Disclaimer & Waiver For Classes

I accept that any information shared by Astro-Durance Bungee Studio, Lifestyle Coach, and any Bungee Certified Trainer at ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studios LLC Franchise #BF54101 and it’s representatives, employees, the ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studio LLC Franchise #BF54101 website and family of internet related website including social media and, any other printed or electronic material presented by anyone representative of alternative natural lifestyles wellness program does so for educational purposes only, and assumes no liability for any outcome resulting from the use of any information shared.

We both agree to defend, indemnify, and hold each other (Personal Trainers, Lifestyle Coach, and any Bungee Certified Trainer at ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studio LLC Franchise #BF54101 and its representatives) harmless for any and all liabilities, settlements, penalties, expenses, fines, interests, loss, actions, claims, demands, costs, suits, and/or judgements, including court costs and attorney’s fees, as a result of the use of any of the educational information and hands on training with Astro-durance Bungee Systems and any other equipment in training or classes that may be shared to me (and related parties) in any form whatsoever, or violation of a failure to conform or comply with any applicable statute treaty, regulation, ordinance or lawful order by the coach, trainer, ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studio LLC staff member. In no event shall either party be liable for any lost monies, profits, lost savings, indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance, exemplary, punitive or special damages, even if a part has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

I understand I am not a patient, nor ASTRO- DURANCE Bungee Studio LLC Franchise #BF54101 a clinic, nor part of a clinic, hospital, nor wellness center, and all it’s representatives are not medical practitioners. Nothing that is practiced or done at ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studios LLC Franchise #BF54101 and Astro-Durance Bungee Studio is intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. Personal Trainers, Instructors or Lifestyle Coach, the website, social media and any other materials shared offers people healthy lifestyle information and tells them about alternative lifestyle. We are not responsible for any Covid or any type of variant or common cold that you may come in contact with here in Astro-Durance Bungee Studio, you are training at your own risk. ADBS holds no responsibility if you become sick or injured.

Information options, but in no way should anyone consider that it, represents the practice of medicine, psychology, psychiatrist, nutritionist, therapist, or doctor nor has she trained to be one. Nobody including Valerie Nieves, Patty Cummings and Aaron Bathory affiliated to this alternative natural lifestyles wellness program from ASTRO-DURANCE Bungee Studios LLC Franchise #BF54101 and Astro-Durance Bungee Studio assumes any responsibility for how any material are used nor offer any kind of guarantees of any result. Also note that any information that is shared is frequently updated, due to a variety of reasons therefore some information may be out of date.

The statements or suggestions regarding alternative lifestyle habits for any kind of diseases may have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products suggested may have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases. Suggestions and protocols for lifestyle changes and nutritional support are not intended to recommendations, nor are these a substitute for appropriate medical care. If you have a medical condition or disease, please always talk to your doctor or physician first before ever using any of the presented product or information.